
  • One Player Modus: Well there is not much left to say
    about this game. You can move the snake by using
    the cursor keys and pause / start the game by pressing
    Space bar. Before every new game you can choose a
    difficulty by hitting e = easy, m = middle or h = hard
    key. The higher the difficulty the more points you
    get for one Goody! If you have reached 1000 points, a
    blue Goody will appear, eat it and you'll get a new life.
    Two Player Modus: Well this modus is a little more
    complicated: You are playing against the computer and
    the winner is the one with highest score in the end of
    the game. Again you and the computer have to eat 15
    Goodys to get to the next level. The one who eats the
    goody gets the score for it. If you run into the
    computersnake, the computer gets a certain amout
    of score and vice versa (try not to hit the computer,
    cos it costs you a lot of points ;-). The one who lost its
    5 lifes first will loose some score too. A little hint: try to
    make the computer run into your snake to get additional
    score. It is not just a action game, there is a little bit of
    strategie in it too ;-) Something really special about this
    game is, that you can make your own levels! You only
    have to download the game and modify the HTML - file.
    How, that is explained in the HTML file. You'll reach a
    new level every time you have been eating 15 Goodys
    per level. Ok, don't hit the wall and have fun!